Measuring GuidelinesCompare your bust, waist, hip and inseam measurements with our Size Guide to help you determine what size to buy.
BustMeasure across the fullest part of your bust. The measurement should be flat and not too snug.
WaistMeasure around your natural waist, which lies between your bottom ribs and your hip bones. For the most accurate measurement, breathe deeply, relax your stomach and position the measuring tape around your waist, leaving about a quarter inch of slack.
HipsMeasure your hips at their widest diameter. (The hip bones are often not the widest point; it’s usually one or two inches lower, where your butt is at its fullest.)
InseamStand with your feet shoulder width apart while wearing athletic shoes. Measure from the top of your inner leg to the bottom of your inner ankle. Repeat the process on the other leg and average the two for a more precise inseam measurement.
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